Monday, March 16, 2015

Young & Reckless

People probably hear how short life is on a daily basis. But it really is incredibly short and extremely precious time that you cannot waste.

I've realized since the beginning of the this new year that life is too short to be anything but happy. If you are not satisfied with something in your life, make a change. Do what has to be done to be incredibly content. If you do not like something, do not feel as if you can not express your 100% honest opinion. What is the point of faking it? I am constantly thinking, "Will this matter 5 years from now?" It is a shame when people spend their life tip-toeing along, unsure of everything.

I have realized I have "changed" quite a bit since beginning college. Not in a bad way, but I have definitely started to find myself. Do not be afraid to be the real you. Especially during your younger years, on the brink of adulthood. Soak up your youth with open arms. Make mistakes and move on from them, knowing what the lessons learned are. Be honest with people. There is no point in telling people exactly what they want to hear. How does that aid them in their growth? The answer is it does not.

Live on.


  1. I have noticed that I've changed as well over the past two years. Life is meant to be dynamic, not static!

    1. I couldn't agree more. Hope you are proud of your changes, don't let anyone discourage them!

  2. The one thing I thought after reading your post was "PREACH!" You nailed every single point you made in this post. All during high school I was so preoccupied with what other people thought about me. However when I got to college I realized that it's not about them... no, it's about me! If I don't love myself then what do I have? I've been taking more time lately to learn about myself and what the future will hold for me. Thank you for this post!

  3. This post reminds me of a saying that goes, "Change is the only constant."
    This rings true on so many levels.

  4. Very True! We can't be afraid to live life and face its challenges. My grandma always said "It only lasts as long as it lasts, so enjoy."

  5. I love the point you made with this post. College is ALL about finding yourself. You will continue to change as you progress into your later years of college. I am a completely different person than I was my freshman year, and I am sure I will say the same thing about now when I select back after graduation next year!

  6. Today is the youngest that you will ever be!
