Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dealing with Debbie Downers

You know those people who only ever have negative things to say about every situation? How annoying that one guy was or how boring that show was or how pointless that class is? They disguise themselves as the friend who is always anxious to give you advice or input, yet their opinions are always negative and downgrading. These people are known as Debbie Downers and they are everywhere, almost guaranteed.

When you encounter a Debbie Downer, remain calm. Let them flush out all their negative energy one word at a time. You will realize they are done complaining usually after an exaggerated, loud sigh. Let them cool off for a second or two. There is no need to complain along with them; this only encourages the negativity. Instead remind them that it will be okay, it is alright, or that that makes sense, but try to influence them with optimism. Instead of agreeing with them, try speaking against the negative aspects and point out the positives, in a reassuring tone of course. This may not drastically change their negative outlook on life, but it will show them that the situation is most likely not all that tragic enough for an excessively long pity party. Hopefully they will appreciate your input, but if not, appreciate yourself for giving positive feedback.

Never let a Debbie Downer ruin your day, that is the most important thing. It is best to stay away from these people as much as possible, because it is just not healthy to be around them. If they do not contribute a positive, understanding attitude to your day, you are much better off without them. I understand that we all have our bad days and we all need to vent once in awhile, but there is no need to constantly bother other human beings with every little thing that could possibly go wrong with your day and that did. Surround yourself with uplifting people who will give you honesty and support. No one likes a Debbie Downer, so spread a little positivity.

“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” -Joel Osteen


  1. When I interact with downers, I try to say or do something positive with them so they can see the brighter things in life like humor. I'll either try to make a joke to make them life, or just talk about something they're interested. It's a good way to get a person's mind off all the bad things that are going on their daily life.

  2. Good advice. I am always trying to make people laugh, too. It's such a good feeling to spread positivity.

  3. No body likes a Debbie Downer, I love to try to change those kind of peoples way of thinking, I like the challenge.I do not see much logic too bringing others down around you, often this happens because someone is upset with themselves which is up to us to show them positivity!
