Friday, February 13, 2015

How to Power Through Test Time

What is one of the most stressful things a college student will through? Testing, guaranteed. We spend countless hours studying and preparing, or maybe none at all, to go through 60+ minutes of mind-rattling torture. When it is finally over, all you want to do is call your mom and cry for hours on end. But there is really no need for that.

To avoid the depressing pre/post test trauma, one must go into a test with a good attitude. If you keep telling yourself how awful it will be, how bad you will fail, or how much you would rather watch paint dry then endure this test, you will most likely get bad results. It is that simple. You HAVE to be confident in yourself if you want good results. Even if you are a little unsure that you did not study hard enough, saying that you will pass really can improve your chances of achieving that better grade.

If you become overwhelmed with too many tests or test anxiety, the most important thing to do is take a moment to drown out everything and just breath. It is necessary to take time out for yourself to relax, that way you will be more calm come test time. There are more important things in life to stress about. Just believe in yourself.

"If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all." -Arsene Wenger


  1. I am so bad a taking test's but I love this advice, breathing is very important I have found with all my public speaking classes and its so true we all need to believe in ourselves if we want to succeed in life and not success in a material type a way.

  2. ha ha. I disagree. I really liked taking tests in college, and I know I am not the only one who likes to show off what I have learned. The key to test taking is confidence, even if you did not prepare as well as you would have liked. Unless you skipped every single class and did NOTHING, then you probably learned more than you think. Being calm and collected is far more helpful to you being able to recall it.
